Letters to the Editor

Letter: Revak is no Chris Birch

Rep. Josh Revak is no Chris Birch. As a freshman Alaska State House member, Josh Revak absented himself from several budget subcommittee meetings and participated in a minority “walk-out” from a budget subcommittee meeting because of hot-headed disagreement with the majority members of the committee. Revak participated in a ridiculous stunt swearing-in of appointed Rep. Sharon Jackson and was absent without excuse from the second special session while he ignored the Juneau quorum call. That conflicted with the senator he would replace. Rep. Revak should be held in contempt of the Legislature, not elevated to the Senate.

Finally, Revak was not on the list of recommended candidates given to the governor. The governor simply chose someone who would be loyal to him. Here’s a warning to Sen. Cathy Giessel: Beware of making “deals” with either Revak or his master, Gov. Mike Dunleavy. They can’t be trusted. You owe it to your colleagues to hang tough and reject Josh Revak.

— Elstun W. Lauesen


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