Letters to the Editor

Letter: Are there two Congresses?

Does our federal government have two different bodies of the Congress? No, I don’t mean the Senate and House. I mean two Senates and two Houses. Someone help me out here, because this morning’s paper had a quote from Sen. Dan Sullivan that puzzled me. To be truthful, his comment caused me to laugh out loud, a much needed respite from today’s news.

And I quote: Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, said an impeachment inquiry would “only serve as a distraction from the necessary bipartisan work that is being done for the American people.”

I agree, the impeachment inquiry will commandeer the work of the Legislative bodies and more than likely be priority No. 1 until completed. Yet, for our illustrious senator to have inserted one tiny word, “bipartisan,” into his statement, is simply, purely hilarious.

So, does anyone know if we have two Congresses? Because I would sure like to be following the one that he’s referencing. In the meantime, I send my heartfelt thanks to Sen. Sullivan for inserting such marvelous humor into this very significant and somber event in the history of our country. Thank you! I needed that!

— Sherry Lewis


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