Letters to the Editor

Letter: Impeachment focus

Remember back in the olden days after Bill Clinton was elected to his first term? His campaign had one major focus, which was: “It’s the economy, stupid!”

Regardless of your present-day support for our current president, or how you wish to spin the story, or which TV channel you watch, you cannot avoid the fact that the man himself admitted that he contacted the leader of a sovereign nation, Ukraine, to help “get dirt” on Joe Biden’s son, and by default, damage Joe Biden’s campaign. He admitted to doing so. This, after knowing in no uncertain terms that contacting a foreign country for favors, i.e. to assist in winning an election, is specifically not allowed per the Constitution of the United States.

Effective today, it seems very likely that impeachment proceedings will be initiated. As a result, I propose the following focus for all of the legislators who will be voting on impeachment: “It’s the Constitution, stupid!”

Didn’t they all swear to abide by that document?

— Sherry Lewis


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