Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don’t bash student athletes

Thomas H. Morse’s recent letter was interesting until he got to his favorite subject. He has a more-than-obvious dislike for athletes and our student athletes. Perhaps there was something in his past experience that produced this attitude.

As a season ticket holder ever since the Alaska Airlines Center opened and an attendee of the Shootout since Buckner days, I don’t follow where or why his obsession originates. We have a great tradition of producing high-achieving student athletes; examples abound and go back many years. The Alaska Airlines Center is a crown jewel; I am sure it ranks as one of the best arenas nationwide, especially for a Division II school.

I agree with his criticism of the university — Fairbanks-dominated — administration; it is a problem looking for a solution. The unification into one school with one mission will lead to reduced enrollment for the whole. The idea of having education majors all attend the Juneau or Fairbanks campuses has already decimated that portion of the Anchorage student population.

If all engineering majors are confined to one campus (city), will that brilliance seek better horizons elsewhere? It’s a sure bet, because it is their future, not ours.

Mr. Morse should come up with some constructive thoughts; he is a persuasive writer. He ought to quit bashing our student athletes and their contributions to our communities.

— Ernest A. Hamm Jr.


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