Letters to the Editor

Letter: Good Samaritans

On July 8, I got stuck in the Lowe’s parking lot because my car just quit as I was going to pull out to leave. Soon, a gentleman came to help me and pushed my car so it would not be in the way of traffic.

While I was still trying to start my car, another gentleman called Dan came to help me. He was extremely kind and patient despite of my complete lack of knowledge on mechanics of a car. He even called Sand Lake Auto — which is run by wonderful people and I usually take my car whenever it has some problems — for me. He discussed the situation with them and tried every possible way to find some solution. He even asked them to check if a towing truck was on its way. Finally when there was nothing to be done, he was even apologetic.

I was so overwhelmingly happy to see that there are still so many kind and helpful people around here despite the sadly divided situations we are in now. Thank you to those wonderful people for restoring my faith in goodness in human beings. So refreshing!

— Koko Mikel


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