Letters to the Editor

Letter: Painful memories

Words woven into an expression of heart and soul can be so profound and comforting. I’m afraid I am at a loss for words to express a nearly 20-year-old memory, still so vivid today. As so many others, I lost a friend that day. Jason Dahl wasn’t supposed to be sitting in the cockpit of United Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. He switched flights with another pilot so he could surprise his wife on their wedding anniversary, his scheduled flight day.

I can’t put into words the sadness and pain and tears at the loss of so many souls. What I can do is thank every first responder — fire, medical and police personnel —I meet. I respect, honor and cherish the memories and sacrifice of those brave men and women lost that day and the many survivors, family members, loved ones still suffering today. A young friend’s words were wise beyond his years, “Sometimes, you just have to sit still and hurt.”

— Jacqueline Fries


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