Letters to the Editor

Letter: Enough already

I’m ashamed of us Alaskans what with the nonsensical grousing between Republicans and Democrats. One thing I’ve noticed is the Republicans saying they won’t pay for people’s teeth.Well, I worked 30 years on the North Slope, five as a personal care assistant, not to mention 10 years of indentured servitude to my folks. I recall half of my Slope check going to taxes. You hear me gabbering? Let people have necessary work done on their teeth.

Democrats, bless ’em, need to work hard. I agree, help the elderly, stay strong on education. Put away the magic wand and get down to working and fighting.

My folks taught me the right things. Never judge anyone by appearance or circumstance. Always leave a place better than you found it. Always give part of your moose kill to neighbors, even if you don’t much agree with them. Be good to people who need help, because you never know when the shoe’s going to be on the other foot.

So oil producers should be able to drill almost anywhere, we need all our brains, youth especially to get us through this time. And the hell with the Permanent Fund dividend. It brought people who were unprepared for Alaska, and that set us up for a welfare state. We can do this, people. We should be the coolest state in the union.

— Lillian K. Staats


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