Letters to the Editor

Letter: Real Alaskans

The only reason Gov. Mike Dunleavy is rolling back on some of his vetoes is because of the recall effort. We’re Alaskans. We don’t like to be bullied, especially by a Republican governor who is nothing more than a Trump wannabe, a Koch-backed, Americans For Prosperity (of the 1%) puppet.

Remember when Joe Miller beat out Sen. Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary back in 2010? There was massive outrage across the state about that, so the real Alaskans — from all party affiliations — came to the rescue and elected Murkowski through an historic write-in campaign. It is these Alaskans who will succeed in recalling Dunleavy.

Although we are considered a red state, there aren’t as many Republicans in Alaska as people may think. According to the Division of Elections website, as of March 4, there were 557,521 registered voters here. Close to half, 235,549, were registered as undeclared. Add in all other parties except the Republicans and it jumps up to 418,478. I find that fascinating. That’s a full three-quarters of all the registered voters in Alaska whose political affiliation does not line up with our governor. Granted, some of these people vote Republican, but I’m pretty sure they’re still outnumbered.

These are the real Alaskans — the ones who wrote in Murkowski in 2010 and who will now kick Dunleavy down the road. Alaskans who don’t like being bullied. The ones who don’t like being lied to. Those who hate partisan politics and hate a governor who doesn’t follow the law and twists our Constitution in an attempt to justify his actions. These voters might sometimes be apathetic, but they always come through when Alaska needs them. And right now, Alaska needs to be spared from the clutches of an unethical tyrant.

And that’s why Dunleavy should be worried. When enough of those 418,478 non-Republicans get mad enough, they’re going to sign the petition and Dunleavy will be recalled. Alaskans will stand up to this bully together. Because that’s what real Alaskans do.

— Jackie Endsley

Eagle River

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