Letters to the Editor

Letter: Have some courage

This year to date there have been 32 mass shootings in the United States with three or more deaths in a single incident. When is enough enough?

I know that most, if not all, of our lawmakers take money from the National Rifle Association, which compromises their ability to take on this issue with courage and an open perspective. I am asking our members of Congress to tell the NRA to take a hike, gain some courage to do the right thing and not compromise themselves with blood money from an organization that seeks to obscure the details of gun crimes and turn a blind eye to the dangers of the weapons they endorse, all for the sake of making themselves and the gun manufactures wealthier bullet by bullet, life by life.

I find their lack of meaningful action on these issues reprehensible and far below the standard of character I would expect for a representative of the people of Alaska. I am not asking for an absolute gun ban, but I am demanding that our members of Congress have the courage to start a meaningful debate on the issue.

Adam Grove


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