Letters to the Editor

Letter: Economy and education

I was looking at an article from an Economist magazine and was struck by the relationship of what is happening in our state to what is happening all over the country. The job growth is occurring mainly in metropolitan areas. These are the educational center in the U.S. Jobs are flat in the rural areas with few educational opportunities. Many of these states with poor job opportunities are states that have turned their backs on higher education.

Some conservative politicians see an educated voter as a liability. Someone with an education is more likely to question what they are doing. In states with low population, like Alaska, opportunities still are there. With a highly educated workforce, jobs will come. Look at San Jose, California.

This will definitely not happen if we ship our best and brightest students outside to go to school. The governor’s plan will set education back years. Of course, you don’t need much of an education to work at fast food or dig a ditch.

— Jay Cross

Big Lake

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