Letters to the Editor

Letter: Dunleavy is pushing students away

I was studying in Juneau, but I was forced to leave Alaska to finish college because of cuts to education. It was bad in 2017, but it is certainly worse now. That is just one reason why I support the campaign to recall Gov. Mike Dunleavy. He campaigned on a promise to protect education and put Alaskans first; he lied.

Since taking office, Dunleavy has torn up the balanced budget he inherited from the Walker administration, jacking up the deficit to fund an illogical PFD hike Alaskans cannot afford. If that was not bad enough, he is now hell-bent on gutting state assets, if there is anything left to do away with. From K-12 and college education to the Alaska Marine Highway that remote communities rely on, cuts and job losses are set to devastate a state economy that was slowly recovering from the oil slump that began four years ago.

This is untenable. Alaskans deserve better. Dunleavy must go!

— Kieran Smith

Bellingham, Washington

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