Letters to the Editor

Letter: Dunleavy is no Republican

Gov. Mike Dunleavy is not a Republican.Republicans are not for public assistance. However, Dunleavy insists we need to give everyone a welfare check of $3,000. Republicans hate taxes. However, Dunleavy is cutting municipal funding that will force us to pay higher taxes.

He’s cutting/killing the University of Alaska Anchorage and public education. Education is how we lift ourselves out of poverty. We all must learn skills rather than depend on government hand-outs and social services. Young Alaskans find UAA to learn skills to work beyond their high school education.

The Republican platform wants people to work for themselves, not receive welfare. The Republican platform does not like taxes to rise. The Republican platform wants people to raise themselves up from the dirt. A Christian would never cut people off at the knees, just when they are trying to raise themselves up.

Dunleavy does not represent the Republican Party. Republicans, as a party, you must steer the governor back to your platform. Tell him and your legislator that Gov. Dunleavy is killing a chance for people to pull themselves up. He is killing what Republicans stand for. Tell your legislator to restore the funds cut by Dunleavy’s idiotic vetoes. He is driving our state into the ground for a PFD bribe.

— Ilona Leider


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