Letters to the Editor

Letter: Override should be a sure thing

Alaskans have nothing to worry about concerning the governor’s vetoes. That is because they would do terrible damage to Alaskans. These points are not at issue. All Democratic legislators are in favor of the obvious override, and so are most Republicans. The Legislature worked hard on the budget, and know what the impacts would be if they simply let the governor determine the size of the budget.

Fortunately, our constitution has provisions to check the bizarre conduct of our governor. With regard to these vetoes, we only need 45 of 60 legislators to vote to override. Again, the Legislature has already done its work after hearing from Alaskans. The proposed vetoes ignore this work and what Alaskans have been telling their government officials. It is not about a bigger dividend at the expense of public safety, education, mental health matters, caring for mothers and young children, and our seniors and disabled.

The override vote should be 60-0. Voters are paying attention now.

— Dave Carter


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