Letters to the Editor

Letter: The impact of professors

In case you’re not sure what professors do, here are just some of my contributions to the well-being of Alaska during the past 12 years as an English professor at UAA:

I have taught several thousand students how to read, write, and think carefully. I have written hundreds of letters of recommendation, most for jobs or further education in Alaska.

I have mentored hundreds of students in undergraduate research projects, which teaches them how to engage in careful inquiry and write for real purposes/audiences.

I have served on dozens of graduate and undergraduate thesis committees.

I have filed dozens of Care Team reports on behalf of students struggling with life circumstances, mental illness and addiction.

I have taught 20 workshops for Alaska’s teachers and middle- and high-school students.

I have produced over 20 publications for both public and academic audiences and have presented 45 conference papers often funding my own travel. Many of these publications and presentations have to do with how we might improve writing, language awareness and education in Alaska; several are coauthored with students.


I helped mentor the University of Alaska’s first Rhodes Scholar, who is also the very first Alaska Native Rhodes Scholar. I have also helped mentor several successful Fulbright applications and a Critical Language Scholarship.

And I’m just one professor. Alaska can’t afford to lose these things.

Jennifer C. Stone


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