Letters to the Editor

Letter: We have lost our way

I was concerned that our current governor might behave like a miniature Donald Trump, and now I am sure of it. The two of them have no problems flouting laws and the voice of the people by withdrawing legislatively appropriated funds to suit their own personal narrow political agendas. By “punishing” the Alaska court system by defunding it at the same amount that public funds were used for constitutionally protected abortions, Gov. Mike Dunleavy out-Trumped the master.

We are in big trouble when one branch of the government - in this case the administrative - thwarts the law by re-appropriating public funds according to their personal desires. By the way, who is supposed to take care of all these unwanted babies? Does the Christian conservative community have an answer for that? Especially when social services for the poor are being restricted even further?

We are no longer a nation that cares about the basic welfare of its own people - especially of its most vulnerable. We have lost our way and are in serious moral trouble.

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