Letters to the Editor

Letter: Legislature should override vetoes

I am writing as a graduate of the University of Alaska Anchorage, asking legislators to override Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s decision to target the University of Alaska system and cut $130 million from its funding. This decision will have irreversible damage to our state’s education system, the state’s economy and will have a long-lasting negative impact in every corner of our state.

This veto, if sustained, will be devastating to the university and its ability to meet its mission. This cut will leave no program or campus unscathed, and many programs will not survive. The UA system will be forced to lay off employees of all walks of life. The university system will lose an estimated 1,300 employees. The loss of these permanent positions will be devasting to the state’s economy. The trickle-down effect will be felt statewide. To recover or replace a loss of the workforce can take years, if ever.

If our governor’s veto is not repealed, it will destroy the university and its far-reaching impacts across our great state. This will include the reduction or elimination of UA programs such as the Alaska Center for Energy and Power, Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program, sports programs such as UAF and UAA hockey, technical programs, reduction of programs in all the three major campuses and the reduction or elimination of some or all of the 13 auxiliary or community campuses.

The Legislature put forward a budget that fully funded the UA system. What the governor did in vetoing $130 million was neither responsible, nor rational and completely discounted legislators’ work. This is not a Democrat or Republican issue. This is an Alaskan issue, and therefore, it is important to fully override every part of this veto.

As stated earlier, if this veto stays in place, it will decimate the university for years to come. Even if the budget is increased in future years, the resources and time needed to regain what will be lost in a single year will be insurmountable. This is not a reversible action. The repercussions will be broad and long-term. If you truly care about our state, I strongly encourage you to override every part of this veto by our governor.

Paul Ivanoff III


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