Letters to the Editor

Letter: Governor’s court veto reeks

Gov. Mike Dunleavy disagrees with a decision made by the Alaska Supreme Court, so he punishes the Alaska Court System by cutting its funds. There is no ambiguity about this action: It is intended to discourage the court from making decisions that offend him. This vindictive line-item veto is beyond repugnant. It is a direct attack upon the independence of the judicial branch, an offense to a fundamental attribute of our democracy.

Clearly, the state needs some adult supervision in Juneau. Attorney General Kevin Clarkson is known to have strong personal beliefs about some of the issues that come before the courts, and he undoubtedly disagrees with court decisions from time to time. But he is also an intelligent and ethical person who respects the constitutional separation of powers. Had he been included in the discussions that led to the governor’s reduction of the court system’s appropriation, he surely would have spoken up aggressively against it.

— Jim Reeves


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