Letters to the Editor

Letter: An unconstitutional veto

Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s court veto is a blatant attack on the judiciary and likely our state constitution. Dunleavy noted, “The Legislative and Executive Branch are opposed to State funded elective abortions; the only branch of government that insists on State funded abortions is the Supreme Court.”

The Supreme Court looks objectively at the law, the legislative and executive branches look with their bias toward the big money donors and special interest groups that feed them money. Who should we listen to, the Supreme Court or the bought-off politicians?

Dunleavy is behaving more like a despotic dictator who lucked into the governor’s office. Perhaps he prefers the term “Tsar” Dunleavy, “Chairman” (Mao), or “Der Fuhrer” to governor. The Supreme Court is supposed to be free from this kind of pressure, to be sure they keep making objective decisions based on the law and the Alaska Constitution.

Dunleavy’s message is clear, “Agree with me and my special-interest donors or I’ll take your funding.” The Supreme Court members are among the few in our government that couldn’t be fired for not signing Dunleavy’s loyalty oath, so he cut their funding instead. What’s next?

It doesn’t matter if you are anti-abortion or pro-choice, Dunleavy could have done this over any issue he wanted.

Keith Youngblood


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