Letters to the Editor

Letter: We need secure elections

I’m writing to voice my utter befuddlement and concern regarding the lack of support by Republicans in ensuring our 2020 elections are secure from foreign influence. How is this possible? Who would possibly not support our democracy?

Republicans are blocking a unanimous consent vote requiring presidential campaigns to notify the FBI about foreign interference. Why would they do this, except to allow Russia to help their favored candidate? That would be un-American and illegal. The fact that there didn’t appear to be meddling in the 2018 election doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem, and ignoring our weaknesses doesn’t mean they don’t exist nor does it give me confidence Republicans are willing to address them, which is unacceptable.Republicans aren’t supporting amendments to the 2020 defense policy bill to address election interference, which is also unacceptable.

We must have election security funding to ensure our democracy stays safe and free from foreign influence. Starving the agencies charged with security of necessary funding is also unacceptable.

Republicans need to get it together. Americans deserve fair elections, free from foreign interference.

— Anne Green


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