Letters to the Editor

Letter: Outrageous parking fees

I was stunned at the prices being charged for parking at the lot on Third Avenue, across from the Downtown Market.The minimum charge is $5 for up to an hour. This forces market attendees to pay $5, even if they’re there for 20 minutes.

It’s pitifully clear to me that, once again, those in charge (who used to be the Parking Authority), at the behest of Fourth Avenue businesses and others, are doing whatever they can to close the market.

They’ve tried nearly everything, including trying to force the market up onto Fourth Avenue, to put the market out of business because of the pressure from the store owners. Now they try to force the customers away by forcing them to pay exorbitant prices for parking that’s not used by anyone else, and remains mainly vacant when the market is not in session.

To those responsible: A pox on thee.

— Scott Robart


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