Letters to the Editor

Letter: Why should we pay for the wall?

Many fellow Americans working for our federal government are not receiving much-needed paychecks. It is unbelievable that going into the holidays, President Donald Trump willfully shut down the government in an attempt to stick U.S. taxpayers with the cost of erecting his border wall — a monument to his vanity and bigotry.

During his presidential campaign, he stated repeatedly that Mexico would pay for it! This latest ploy by Trump should never have fallen on the backs of those who work for the federal government. Making employees work without timely payment is simply wrong! The suspension and curtailment of vital services provided by those employees is inexcusable. Where are our priorities? Why are ordinary Americans being forced to suffer to satisfy Trump’s narcissism and lack of sound judgment?

Our country is better than this!

— JoAnn and Larry Asher


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