Letters to the Editor

Letter: Addiction stress

With the holidays upon us, stress and tensions can increase exponentially, especially for those people living with friends and family members who suffer from the diseases of alcoholism and addiction.

Anchorage is fortunate to have a strong Al-Anon community, with meetings available every day of the week. Al-Anon is a program for friends and families of alcoholics and addicts that helps members learn to live a rich and happy life, regardless of whether the alcoholic or addict is still using or not. Sometimes by getting the help we need, by accepting the realities of the disease, and by focusing our attentions on improving our own lives and character challenges, we can somehow aid those suffering from the cunning and baffling disease of addiction.

If you would like some information on this truly remarkable program of self-help and self-improvement, please go to the Anchorage Al-Anon–Alateen website (www.al-anon-ak.org) or call 907-276-6646 for a schedule of local meetings and an introduction to this free, non-religious program. Forty percent of members are referred to Al-Anon by local professionals and many have found peace and contentment through Al-Anon, one day at a time.

— Denise Roselle


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