Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, February 1, 2018

Buron behind skiers' success

A key ingredient writers left out in their articles about several local cross-country skiers selected for the 2018 US Olympic team was the significant role in their formative years played by the Alaska Winter Stars head coach Jan Buron. While the Pattersons, Kornfield, and Yeaton (who was selected by the Australian Nordic Team) may have honed their skills at APU, the core of their skills was forged by Mr. Buron's exemplary coaching. His dedication to teaching not only technique, but the skills needed to access consistent passion and dedication, has resulted in the enlistment of these athletes to Team USA. Mr. Buron's skills continue to shine, as two of his up-and-coming Winter Stars, Gus Schumacher and Molly Gellert, took 18th and 19th place at the 2018 Junior World Cross-Country Ski Championships.

— Cynthia Decker

Editorial page needs balance

I was so excited when I heard about the new "Daily News." Made me want to read our local paper for first time in years. My excitement began to waver after a few months but was still willing to give them a chance. But in the last two weeks as a devout born-again Christian I have been accused by a progressive Rev. Matt Schultz of being full of rage and fear, and on Friday I was insulted by a cartoon on the editorial page from the Chicago Tribune insinuating my beliefs are "old time religion" and support porn.

I wonder if Rev. Schultz would have called the people from the Southern Poverty Law Center full of rage and fear had he heard them scream "bigot," "homophobe" and threaten with gestures those gathered like me who were only practicing their constitutional right. Seems you fear those that truly know God's word will vote yes April 4.

I have a couple of words for both the reverend and the Chicago Tribune. The word of God is not one of rage or fear. It is his word and He is very clear of what is right and what is wrong. His word was relevant thousands of years ago, it is today and will be for all eternity. That never changes.


Rev., I will pray that God leads you to reread his word and find the truth that only comes from reading those words. Your bullying behavior does nothing to lessen my faith, only strengthen it. Neither will the bullying comments that will come from me writing this letter.

To the Daily News I say, "I am waiting for you to start sounding like the new and not more of the same old we have read for years." If you need a more balanced approach to your editorial page, I will gladly volunteer.

— Judy Eledge

Pope didn't acknowledge all the news that's fake

Nice to see the pope acknowledge fake news, and to have him call for personal efforts to unmask disinformation. Hopefully the pope will soon reveal the ultimate fake news which has been afflicting humanity for thousands of years. There are no gods. There are no goddesses. There is no heaven or hell. This is your life. Enjoy it, do good things with it, and try to be nice to each other.

— Dave Carter

Alaska: The 401K millionaire (that can't retire)

Trying to explain Alaska's financial predicament to someone from Outside, I used a person as an analogy.

"Alaska is like a person with a very large retirement account, not much left in their saving account, with uncertain future earnings (oil revenues)," I said.

He said, "Great! Alaska can retire!"

That's the problem: Alaska can't retire. It has a slate of services (some say too many) it must provide to its people.

Alaska has to tap its nest egg prudently. A POMV approach (in the 4-4.5 percent range) would offer a stable source of long term funding. It isn't the whole fiscal solution — but a good start.

A simple 50-50 split for dividends and services might be feasible and easily explained (and sold) to the citizens. Everyone wins as the fund grows.

However, linking state funding to the POMV could trade one boom and bust cycle (oil) for another (the stock market). So averaging the market value of the fund (past 5 years, e.g.) in any formula is wise.

Regardless of the details, a POMV approach would begin to inject something into Alaska's fiscal future it has always lacked: certainty.

— Mike Boyer

Constitutional crisis looms


It is imperative that Congress act to protect Wray, Rosenstein, Mueller and the FBI investigation. Congress must act now to prevent the constitutional crisis that Trump is barreling toward. The shameful forcing out of McCabe must not be allowed to stand without condemnation. The so-called "memo" by Nunes (who is supposed to be recused from this investigation!) should be suppressed, and if POTUS allows its release, then the Democratic memo must also be released, with appropriate concern for the classified matter on which it is based.

Rep. Don Young, Sen. Dan Sullivan and Sen. Lisa Murkowski must not stand for the degradation of the norm that POTUS does not get involved in FBI investigations, no matter the subject of a particular investigation. It is time to put an end to Trump's assault on our constitutional system of government. We did not elect him dictator, and only Congress can stop him from acting as one.

— Sharon M. Winner

Kantner has profound influence

Although Charles Wohlforth made some good points about allies in conservation ("What Seth Kantner and Alaska can learn from New York" Jan. 31), his piece came off as an attack on Seth Kantner, especially the first paragraph. Wohlforth's assertion that Kantner is "neither persuasive nor relevant to the important discussion about development in Northwest Alaska" is simply not true. While Kantner is not a political animal (and if you have ever met him, you are laughing right now), his readers are quite moved by his beautiful words and stunning insights.

I hold that it is artists like Kantner who have the most profound influence on us.

— Martha Amore

The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by the Anchorage Daily News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter under 200 words for consideration, email letters@adn.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@adn.com.