Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, December 22, 2017

Support bill to end abortion

It is time to abolish abortion. Every normal weekday five "fetuses" are killed through abortion in Alaska. Many conservatives say that we should end abortion except in the case of rape, incest, or life of the mother. I ask why a baby who is conceived in the horrible case of rape is less alive than a baby conceived in a better instance? Do they not have the right to live because of something that happened to their mother?

Because I believe this, I am a whole-hearted supporter of David Eastman and his bill to abolish abortion, House Bill 250. In less than one month, our representatives and senators will be going back to Juneau to go through their 120 days of the Legislature. Call your representatives today and encourage them to become a co-sponsor of HB 250. Thank you Rep. Eastman and thank you Rep. Johnson for co-sponsoring this very important legislation.

— William Deaton

GOP just digging a deeper hole

The U.S. is doing well, 3 percent GDP growth and employment rate is up. The economy is humming. Raising taxes would provide money to start a needed infrastructure package. It would also put extra money against the national debt.

Why are the Republican conservatives racing to dig a deeper hole in our debt? I believe in balancing the budget and living in the budget. One of the principles of the economic conservative is balance the budget and pay down the debt.


This tax cut will increase the debt by an additional $1.4 trillion. Why do this? Liberals are protesting potential cuts in food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security funds. Liberals say who will pay for these cuts? How do I answer?

— Jim Hanlen

Trump gets his way on tax bill

Trump's tax bill passed and is law. HA, HA.

— Eric Olenick

Sullivan should back dreamers

As Sen. Lisa Murkowski so aptly reminded us in a video announcement earlier this month, immigrants make Alaska stronger through significant contributions to our economy and city's rich cultural diversity. I commend her steadfast work to defend Dreamers, and thank her for co-sponsoring the Dream Act. Like Sen. Murkowski, my Christmas wishes include Congress giving Dreamers the permanent protection that they deserve to stay and work in America.

I urge Sen. Dan Sullivan to join Sen. Murkowski in this support before year's end. If Congress doesn't pass protections for Dreamers this year, thousands more DACA recipients will lose their jobs before implementation (11,000 Dreamers across the country have already lost their protections). Sen. Sullivan should understand that there are truly only two paths forward: vote to provide a permanent legislative solution that protects Dreamers from deportation, or vote to deport hundreds of thousands of hard-working young people, ripping them from their families and out of their communities.

Let's make the right choice. For Dreamers in Alaska, this is the only home that most of them have ever known.

— Stephen Blanchett

Murkowski's true colors show

It's a comfort to know that a Republican senator who came perilously close to acting with integrity returned to the conservative fold and voted against the best interests of her constituents.

— John F. Harris

The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by the Anchorage Daily News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter under 200 words for consideration, email letters@adn.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@adn.com.