Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, December 19, 2017

Will tax return fit on postcard?

Once the tax bill is finalized and before the representatives vote, can we see a summary of the special interest provisions of the proposal? We know about ANWR drilling and cruise ship tax and the lack of reform on Wall Street hedge fund pass-throughs that was promised by Trump, but what else is in the bill? As promised, will we be able to fill out our individual returns on a postcard?

— Bernie Gareau, Homer

Mueller strikes fear in GOP

In May of this year, many leaders from both sides of the aisle praised Robert Mueller's appointment as special counsel, saying it "should be widely accepted" and "will provide some certainty for the American people that the investigation will proceed fairly and free of political influence." (ABC News, May 17)

Now that Mueller and his team are finding facts that point to misconduct in the Trump White House, some leading Republicans are suddenly changing their tune. I have to wonder why — perhaps they are afraid of what else Mueller will find and what it will do to their majority rule?

— Cheryl Lovegreen, Anchorage


Alaska is lacking leaders

The joke is on Alaskans. I had to laugh this morning reading Gov. Walker saying this is not a tax regarding his budget. Now he wants to use more of the people's Permanent Fund dividend money. He has basically stolen $2,500 from every man, woman and child in our great state. Do not touch the dividend without a vote from the people. He should do the proper thing and return that money to the people.

Everything the government touches is a nightmare. Stop spending like most households do. Wake up Mr. Walker and Legislature. These are our so-called leaders. At this point, I don't think they could lead a thirsty horse to water. Merry Christmas, Alaska.

— Jeff Carlson, Anchorage

Act now on climate change

The global warming/climate disaster is rapidly unfolding. Irrefutable evidence predicates an immediate change of course for humankind's endeavors. All governments must heed our call and act with an urgency equal to the speed of changes happening in the polar regions.

From the industrial to the information age, fossil fuels have provided our intellect with the power to create our modern world, its inventions and progressions. Now is the critical time when our collective wisdom needs to rein in the capitalist/militarist system that is dragging the world down. The necessary change of course is 50 years past due, and there is scant hope we can still save many species that did nothing wrong but to get in our way.

Our elected representatives are constitutionally and ethically, if not morally, bound to protect and preserve the interests and commons (air, water, resources) for all, not only the one-tenth of 1 percent.

Know oil and gas reserves are ample, without further exploration/investment, to power our complete transition to a clean tidal/wave, solar and wind energy future. Or we allow our political elite to continue in the service of the super rich and deliver us no future.

— William Bartee, Anchorage

Thanks to Shannyn Moore

After following Shannyn Moore's comment columns for these several years, the December 17 column, "Resignation pre-empts rant, so consider the pope" moved me to say what I should have said many times before: simply, "Thank you."

In contrast, on the same page, Paul Jenkins, reflecting on "the tweets of Trump": "Oh, that again?" a weary public asks. "Who cares?" Well, we care, Paul. The weary public cares. It is that caring that will save our nation.

— Sheila Lankford, Anchorage

No thanks to Shannyn Moore

Great job of getting rid of the fake news and biased liberal-reported extremism from the Lower 48 states. We now get fair, honest and unbiased reporting.
Unfortunately, you have one more to go. Shannyn Moore! She is Alaska's version of fake, biased and false reporting. Whether she is a regular staffer or contributing columnist is not important. She is in the newspaper every week to spread her hateful, biased and liberal extremist views. We are tired of it and it needs to stop. Unfortunately, I know she has connections and friends in high places, or she would be gone by now.

I know you could replace her with a fair, unbiased contributor, because you let some of them go when you downsized. That's one decision that needs to be mad


— Roger Larson, Anchorage

The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by the Anchorage Daily News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter under 200 words for consideration, email letters@adn.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@adn.com.