Letters to the Editor

Readers write: Letters to the editor, March 14, 2017

Single-payer system could give all Americans good health care

This would never happen, of course, but it's too bad the U.S. Congress doesn't pass a law requiring all of its members, and all members of the federal government, including the president, to enroll in their modification to the Affordable Care Act, or "Donaldcare" — previously known as "Obamacare."

The other way — also something that will probably never happen in my lifetime — is to do what other civilized countries have done and adopt universal overage — a single-payer system. By cutting insurance companies out of the loop, a federal system paid for by taxes would significantly reduce health care costs while ensuring high-quality care.

Our existing system — which includes Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance — is loosely strung together. It is inefficient, extremely expensive and obviously not inclusive for everyone.

I have a friend who has lived in Canada for more than 30 years and his wife has several major medical issues. He is perfectly happy with Canada's system. He previously lived in Alaska and has a sound basis for comparison.

But with the insurance companies' relentless lobbying power and deep pockets for campaign finance, we'll see endless political partisan bickering about a critical issue that shouldn't be political at all.

Civilizations are judged on how they treat their less fortunate citizens.
We call ourselves a developed, civilized country. Apparently, we have a long way to go.


— Frank E. Baker
Eagle River

Forgotten majority of Americans want to give Trump a chance

Response to "Open Letter" published by ADN on March 3, written by Katie Bausler and Mary Martin.

Dear Sen. Lisa Murkowski,

Please understand that a lot of the content of the letter addressed to you on March 3 is not the concerns or complaints of the majority of Alaskans or the majority of Americans. They are the concerns and complaints of an organized "minority" of very vocal, panic-struck, misguided citizens who have been swayed and conditioned by the liberal left and the liberal media over the past eight years and profoundly accelerated over the past several months. The hatred, disdain and disrespect for our current president permeate from their words. It is appalling that these two writers use words such as racist, bigoted, white supremacist, stating assumptions as if they are facts, obviously believing everything they read and hear from the liberal, hateful media, including ADN, every single day.

I wish these anti-Trump groups would have had this much awareness and interest in the issues from the last eight years of President Obama's administration to scrutinize every action and word spoken by President Obama the same as they do President Trump. Unfortunately the younger generation has no exposure or memory of pre-Obama America or pre-Obama politics. I'm 60 years old and can never recall the hatred and division that developed so quickly in America under the Obama administration versus any other presidency.

The silent and forgotten majority of America wants to give President Trump and his administration a chance. They really do think he can do great things for America and turn around much of the destruction from the last eight years. These anti-Trump groups of hate-mongers and activists, aided by the biased media and a few very vocal celebrities, are spreading lies, hatred, division, committing acts of violence and vandalism, which is unacceptable and un-American. If only everyone would just be an "American" once again and try to have love and respect for one another. We need to all work together, not against one another.

I for one appreciate your honest votes on issues, which cross party lines at times but show all the other congressmen and women how they all should be approaching issues: with careful thought of heart and mind. Not working with blinders on, unable to be bipartisan or open-minded. I feel you truly have Alaskans' and Americans' best interest at heart and pray that you are the role model all other representatives in Washington will follow the actions of. Keep up the good work.

— Stella Brandt

Protect our waterways and fish

As a concerned Alaskan who appreciates our natural resources in our great state, I am writing to address the issue of water protections for our sport and commercial fisheries. Our current federal administration seems bent in dismantling EPA protections. I am hoping that our state will stand for environmental protection of our streams, rivers, lakes and oceans in the face of these threats.

It is concerning that mining interests may take precedence over our salmon fisheries. Mining has a reputation for destroying fish habitat. Our salmon fisheries have a long-term positive effect on the economic health of our state, while mining has a short-term and a destructive effect, not only on salmon but on people and wildlife. We are depending on our state leadership to protect our waterways and fish habitat. We urge them to do everything in their power to protect our way of life.

— Lyn Franks

Help the APD; don't offend

If we think together as a community, we can help funding for our overworked police department.

Do not hit your partner; if your partner hits you, leave them and don't go back. Do not buy or sell drugs. Do not walk around town drunk.

Nothing good happens at two in the morning.


If we all followed these simple rules, that would probably free up a lot of the police department's workload.

— Grant Hedman

Could Putin ruin Trump?

Does the success of the Trump business empire depend in any way on loans from Russian financial institutions? The Putin government can exert an enormous amount of pressure on Russian financial institutions. Putin has the power to threaten Trump with financial ruin by having Trump's loans called in, unless Trump accedes to one or more demands from Putin.

Why aren't Sens. Murkowski and Sullivan and Congressman Young worried about this? Why are they OK with the lack of transparency regarding President Trump's finances? Why aren't they and others in the Senate and House requiring the IRS to release Trump's tax returns to a panel of independent investigators, so that the American people and our allies can know if our president is susceptible to threats of personal financial ruin? How is this not a matter of great importance regarding our nation's security and the security of our allies?

— Jo Ann C. Miller

No Facebook fan here

I merely wish to thank ADN for allowing me to now post my opinion without having to join Facebook. Thank you.

— Larry Anderson

The views expressed here are the writers' own and are not necessarily endorsed by Alaska Dispatch News, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints. To submit a letter under 200 words for consideration, email letters@alaskadispatch.com, or click here to submit via any web browser. Submitting a letter to the editor constitutes granting permission for it to be edited for clarity, accuracy and brevity. Send longer works of opinion to commentary@alaskadispatch.com.