
OPINION: Support legislators who support our schools

On Nov. 5, Alaskans must unite and elect public education heroes. Public education heroes are our elected leaders who will fulfill their constitutional responsibility to fund public education, even when that requires overriding Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s vetoes.

I have been visiting with legislative leaders from around the Anchorage area and Alaska about the impacts that strongly funding public schools and well-prepared students can have on our economy and communities. There has been a fundamental difference in the responses from those legislators who are public education heroes and those who are not.

Public education heroes running for reelection will point out and have proved that they support increasing public education funding and value a retirement system designed to retain educators. They share how the current retirement system encourages Alaska educators to leave for the Lower 48, where states provide a more robust, defined benefit retirement. These legislators also have voting records supporting increased public education funding.

I am proud that my district legislators are public education heroes. Rep. Calvin Schrage (I-Abbott Loop and Lower Hillside) has been a longtime champion of supporting students, families and education. Sen. James Kaufman (R-South Anchorage) also gave multiple positive votes in support of increasing the Base Student Allocation. Thank you!

Do not be fooled by legislators who talk around the issue. Those politicians use many “but” statements and have a voting record that proves they are not the legislative heroes Alaska needs right now.

Students, families, communities and educators have been severely harmed without an inflation-proofed BSA. The struggle is real, and just like all of us paying more for the basics: food, gas, rent, etc., our schools are also struggling. Our schools cannot function with hundreds of teacher vacancies and far too many overcrowded classrooms with 30, 35 and even 40 or more kids.

Here are the public education heroes we should re-elect:


• Sen. Kelly Merrick (R-Chugiak/Eagle River)

• Sen. Jesse Bjorkman (R-Kenai)

• Sen. Scott Kawasaki (D-Fairbanks)

• Sen. Matt Claman (D-Anchorage)

• Rep. Maxine Dibert (D-Fairbanks)

• Rep. Andy Josephson (D-Midtown)

• Rep. Donna Mears (D-East Anchorage)

• Rep. Cliff Groh (D-Government Hill)

• Rep. Louise Stutes (R-Kodiak)

• Rep. C.J. McCormick (D-Bethel)

• Rep. Neal Foster (D-Nome)

• Rep. Bryce Edgmon (I-Dillingham)

Below are the public education heroes running in open seats or challenging incumbents who failed to support education. Please give them your consideration and support:

• Chuck Kopp (R-South Anchorage)

• Ted Eischeid (D-Muldoon)

• Walter Featherly (I-Hillside)

• Ky Holland (I-South Anchorage/Girdwood)


• Denny Wells (D-Bayshore/Campbell Lake)

• Savannah Fletcher (Senate District R, rural Interior Alaska)

• Robyn Burke (D-Utqiagvik)

• Agnes Moran or Grant Echohawk (Both I-Ketchikan)

• Joy Beth Cottle (R-Fairbanks)

• Carolyn Hall (D-West Anchorage)

• Brandon Putuuqti Kowalski (D-Rural Interior)

• Brent Johnson (I-Homer)

Rep. Jesse Sumner (R-Wasilla) is unfortunately not running for re-election. Rep. Sumner proved himself a courageous and unflappable supporter of public education. He will be sorely missed in the State Capitol.

Sen. Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage) is not up for election, but is a tireless and true champion of education. Her proposal to restore a modest pension option for educators is a beam of hope in a bleak workplace for our educators and administrators. Her proposal also keeps students and families safe by restoring retirement security for Alaska State Troopers, firefighters, Village Public Safety Officers, plow truck drivers and more.

Get to know those who are running for the Legislature in your district. Talk to them when they come to your home asking for your vote. Ask challenging questions and listen to their words. Then, ask them about their voting record. Trust but verify their responses. What evidence are they able to produce that encourages your vote?

I pride myself on being an independent voter and not beholden to a political party. I will vote for Republicans, Democrats or independents, as long as they are public education heroes, because I believe in Alaska’s future!

With an educator in every classroom and your community school filled with high-achieving students, our communities will thrive, Alaska will thrive.

Please vote for your public education heroes on Nov. 5.

Corey Aist is a South Anchorage resident and 29-year educator. He is president of the Anchorage Education Association, which consists of 3,000 teachers, counselors, nurses and related services personnel in the Anchorage School District.

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