
OPINION: Anchorage school academies are a pathway to equity

As someone deeply invested in our students’ success and our community’s future, I believe the Academies of Anchorage model represents a crucial step toward achieving greater equity across our school district. This innovative approach to education can help level the playing field for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, by providing relevant, engaging learning experiences that prepare them for college and careers. It is a model that promises to educate and empower every Anchorage high school student.

Instructional equity means adapting teaching methods and resources to meet the diverse needs of students, ensuring that each student receives the support necessary to succeed. In our current system, students from low-income families and underserved neighborhoods can be left behind. The Academies of Anchorage program aims to offer every student the chance to engage in career-themed classes that are both meaningful and practical.

The Academy model transforms the traditional high school experience by incorporating career-related classes or pathways. Whether a student is interested in health care, engineering, construction, information technology, or law, there is an academy designed to provide them with a head start on that career path. The model includes vocational training options but also includes highly challenging academic and technical curriculum. It is an engaging and relevant way of teaching students to help them see the connection between what they are learning in the classroom and what happens in the real world.

One of the key ways the Academies of Anchorage promotes instructional equity is by ensuring that all students, regardless of where they live or which school they attend, have access to the same high-quality educational opportunities. In many traditional high schools, access to advanced coursework, specialized programs, and extracurricular activities can vary widely, depending on the resources available at each school. This can create significant disparities in educational outcomes, with students from wealthier areas often having more opportunities than those from less affluent neighborhoods.

The Academy model addresses this issue by providing a more standardized, equitable approach to education. By offering academies across the district, all students have the opportunity to participate in classes that align with their career goals and interests. This helps to close the opportunity gap and ensures that every student is prepared for success after graduation, whether that means pursuing higher education or entering the workforce.

Moreover, the Academies of Anchorage model includes partnerships with local businesses, industries, and higher education institutions. These partnerships provide students with access to internships, mentorship and real-world experiences, regardless of their background.

The Academy model also emphasizes personalized learning and support, recognizing that each student’s needs and goals are unique. By creating smaller learning communities within larger schools, students receive more individualized attention from teachers and Academy coaches. This can make a significant difference for students who might otherwise struggle to stay engaged and on track.


Some have expressed concern that the Academy model is too focused on career preparation. However, the model combines academics with real-world applications and an emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving. In fact, the Academy model provides a comprehensive education that ensures students are even better prepared for life after graduation, including those who are focused on admissions to very competitive colleges and universities.

In conclusion, the Academies of Anchorage model represents an important step forward in our efforts to create a more equitable education system in Anchorage. By providing all students with access to high-quality, career-themed education, the model ensures that every student has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their circumstances or their means. It is a model that holds great promise for our students, our schools and our city as a whole. As a community, we should embrace the Academies of Anchorage initiative to ensure that every student can reach their full potential.

Margo Bellamy is a member of the Anchorage School District School Board.

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