
OPINION: Sales tax debate — relief or burden for Anchorage?

For decades, Anchorage residents and local government have discussed the idea of a sales tax to alleviate property taxes. As the cost of living has escalated and property taxes have continued to rise, I have publicly supported a sales tax — but only if it provided dollar-for-dollar relief of property taxes. The most recent sales tax proposal, Project Anchorage, does not aim to do that. Instead, two-thirds of the sales tax revenue would alleviate the property tax burden, while one-third would fund special projects.

At a high level, Project Anchorage seems like a reasonable compromise. The tax is designed to partially relieve property owners and fund new projects. However, this could easily turn into another tax pipeline that increases municipal government spending, much like the alcohol tax has.

During the budget process in 2023, the Anchorage Assembly moved the funding for the Mobile Intervention Team and Mobile Crisis Team from the alcohol tax to the general operations budget. They then used the freed-up alcohol tax funds to finance new programs. This ultimately increased the city budget, placing a greater burden on property taxpayers.

While lowering property taxes would certainly benefit homeowners and potentially make Anchorage more attractive for new residents and businesses, the regressive nature of sales taxes means they disproportionately impact lower-income families. This raises concerns about fairness and equity. Moreover, there is the question of how effectively the additional funds for community projects will be managed. Will these projects truly enhance our quality of life, or will they become yet another way to inflate municipal budgets?

I have seen firsthand the challenges our community faces with high property taxes that make first-time homeownership a challenge. While a sales tax is not ideal, its potential benefits in terms of housing affordability and community enhancement make it a worthy consideration. However, the Project Anchorage approach does not relieve property taxes, so I remain skeptical.

Ultimately, Project Anchorage presents a vision for our city that requires careful scrutiny. I encourage everyone to look closely at the details, weigh the pros and cons, and participate in the upcoming discussions. Our collective voice and decision will shape the future of Anchorage.

Dave Bronson is the mayor of Anchorage.

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