
OPINION: Lack of mental health resources amplifies homelessness in Alaska

Mental health struggles are one of the largest contributors for Alaskans experiencing homelessness, and our city and state are not properly equipped to address this crisis. In HMIS, the Homeless Management Information System, our data shows that of the nearly 3,600 homeless Alaskans in Anchorage, just under 25% self-reported homeless residents have a mental health disorder. If we want to end homelessness, we need to first invest in our state’s mental health resources.

We know that trauma is one the main components leading someone to struggle with their mental health. When someone arrives at one of our shelter operations, they are immediately screened to better understand their situation and to create an adequate plan for recovery.  Of the 2,628 Alaskans who Henning Inc. served between Oct. 1, 2023, and May 21 of this year, 24.9% (or 655 Alaskans) self-reported to have experienced stalking, human trafficking, sexual, dating and domestic violence. According to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), in 2020, Alaska was second highest in the nation for child abuse, at 77.4% more likely to be abused in comparison to the national average. This high prevalence and experience of trauma is a significant factor contributing to our homeless Alaskans.

Part of the work that Henning does is provide behavioral health services, addiction services and referrals for psychiatric care for clients with significant mental health struggles. Our licensed psychologist meets with clients in individual or group therapy sessions to teach healthy coping strategies to manage and improve symptoms. Due to our team’s extensive personal lived experiences with addiction, mental health and homelessness, we understand what many homeless Alaskans are living with and deeply encourage all staff to partake in the emotional wellness training provided.

Additionally, substance use disorders are prevalent among the homeless population in Alaska. While 25% of our clients reported to have a mental health disorder, 7.8% (205 people) self-reported having alcohol use disorder, 7.1% (186 people) reported having a drug use disorder, while 9.9% (261 people) reported having both a drug and alcohol use disorder during the same time frame. This intersection of mental health and substance use disorders exacerbates the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness.

There are only 30 residential substances use disorder (SUD) treatment facilities in Alaska, with almost half, 13, in the Anchorage area, each with limited availability and duration of treatment. Not only are there limited treatment facilities, other barriers for those seeking treatment include not only the cost for the program, but if their insurance will help cover fees associated. Additionally, treatment and recovery take time, which only further complicates affordability and accessibility when considering employment and housing status. Our rural geography paired with intense weather systems adds to the challenge of having access to adequate healthcare, resulting in many Alaskans traveling to Anchorage, and potentially, out of state for medical care, if while working with their insurance, they can afford to.

In addition, Alaska faces unique challenges due to its vast and sparsely populated landscape. Many rural areas lack basic mental health and health care services, pushing Alaskans to travel long distances, often in severe weather conditions, to seek health care and other resources. The state’s high rates of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) due to prolonged periods of darkness in winter also contribute to the mental health crisis. In addition, Indigenous populations, which account for 54.3% of Anchorage’s homeless, face cultural and systemic barriers to accessing mental health care, with a higher prevalence of trauma, suicide and substance abuse disorders.

To address homelessness means investing in mental health resources including, but not limited to, educational programs, outreach programs, domestic violence education and prevention, and substance abuse education and prevention. Investing in schools and our universities to develop our workforce while also providing incentives to rebuild our health care systems and its workforce, with an emphasis on accessibility and sustainability, will start to address the root causes of homelessness. Shelter saves lives, but there are many resources that need to be made equitably available to truly address homelessness.


Addressing these multifaceted, intersectional and complex issues requires a comprehensive approach. Increasing funding for mental health professionals and facilities, particularly in underserved regions, is crucial. Culturally sensitive care for Indigenous communities, integrated mental health and substance use treatment programs, transitional and supportive housing programs are also essential components. By prioritizing mental health resources and addressing the unique needs of Alaskans, we can make significant strides in reducing homelessness and improving the overall well-being of our communities and state.

Shawn Hays is executive director and Rob Seay is deputy executive director of Henning Inc., a nonprofit providing homelessness services in Southcentral Alaska.

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