After losing our state’s U.S. House seat for the first time in 50 years, Alaskans now have an opportunity to unite behind a common-sense conservative leader who will stand above party politics to do what is right for all Alaskans. Nick Begich is the candidate for Congress we support and who we believe represents our strongest chance to restore common sense conservative leadership in Washington on behalf of Alaskans.
Unfortunately, the current representative has chosen to ignore the moderate platform she ran on, instead fully embracing the failed policies and extreme politics of President Joe Biden. We were promised by Rep. Mary Peltola that she would always put Alaskans first — but in Washington, D.C., Peltola has voted the vast majority of the time with far-left Democrats like Biden, Hakeem Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.
Peltola is so bought into the liberal agenda that even after watching the devastating consequences of Biden’s first term, she’s already fully endorsing him again for a second. This is not the kind of representation Alaska needs or deserves.
It’s simple: Peltola’s campaign deceived voters last year. Now Alaskans are left without a voice in the U.S. House who shares our values. That’s why we are calling on Alaskans to join us in supporting Nick Begich. Nick brings strong organizational experience, as a business executive, founder, and conservative leader in Alaska. Nick has a clear, positive vision for Alaska, and as an experienced businessman, he understands what it takes to get things done. He’s focused on ensuring Alaskans can access our resources in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, and in the Tongass National Forest; that Alaskans retain access to public lands and shared resources; and that our state will remain vibrant and economically relevant for decades to come. He will work to strengthen and diversify our economy, open the state for additional resource development — the kind that brings high-paying jobs for Alaskans — rein in government spending to help reduce inflation, bring smart infrastructure investments to Alaska, protect our Alaskan way of life, and stand for those freedoms protected by the Constitution.
With our current ranked choice voting system, Alaskans cannot afford to field multiple conservative candidates. If we again split the vote among ourselves, we’ll give Mary Peltola and her Washington, D.C. friends an opportunity to game the system again. We are asking every common-sense voter in our state to consider what’s best for the future of Alaska — and join us in uniting behind Nick Begich.
Randy Ruedrich served as Alaska Republican Party chairman from 2000 to 2013.
Mike Chenault served in the Alaska House of Representatives from 2001 to 2019, representing portions of the Kenai Peninsula Borough. He is Alaska’s longest serving Speaker of the House, having held the position from 2009 to 2017.
Cynthia Henry is a 50-year resident of Fairbanks. She serves as Republican National Committeewoman for Alaska. She formally served in local offices, the University of Alaska Board of Regents, and the Alaska Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
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