
Podcast: “The Men’s Club”: How the Anchorage police chain of command has been destroyed under Mayor Bronson and led to the chief’s resignation

“With All Due Respect” is a podcast featuring Andrew Halcro with opinions about Alaska politics, life and entertainment. It can be heard here and wherever you listen to podcasts.

Episode 46 (19:40)

Mayor Dave Bronson has cultivated a star chamber of current and retired Anchorage Police Officers who attend Anchorage Baptist Temple to decide police department policy in the shadows.

Listen to previous episodes here. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Audible, via RSS, and wherever you listen to podcasts.

Andrew Halcro is a lifelong Alaskan who has spent the past 27 years in politics and public service.

Opinions expressed on the podcast are the host’s and don’t necessarily reflect the views of Anchorage Daily News staff or owners.

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Andrew Halcro

Andrew Halcro is a past executive director of the Anchorage Community Development Authority. He is a former state representative and past president of the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce.