
Solutions are only possible when everyone steps up, works together

At the end of the fourth special session, and after a month with empty seats and nothing on the calendar, Alaskans are asking: Why was there yet another special session with little progress toward a fiscal solution?

That’s a great question.

By the time the Legislature was called back in by the governor, we had already passed a balanced budget, avoided burdening Alaskans with taxes, and provided an $1,114 Permanent Fund dividend. Lawmakers united around achieving a comprehensive fiscal solution, and work toward that end was well underway. However, it was already clear that additional time is required to reach consensus and the necessary votes on the legislation before us.

Recognizing those facts, facing a record number of days in session, and wanting to save the state more than $1.6 million in special-session costs, Senate President Peter Micciche and I urged Gov. Mike Dunleavy to cancel the special session. We assured him that committee work was underway and would continue regardless. Instead, the governor called us back a fourth time.

It is worth noting that the governor’s plan, the driving force behind this year’s overtime, has failed to gain consensus. It was clear since day one that constitutionalizing a $1 billion budget deficit without providing the means to pay for it — the governor’s 50-50 PFD constitutional amendment — lacked the necessary support in the Legislature.

At every hearing, lawmakers asked the administration, “How are you going to pay for it?”

Over the course of a 121-day regular session and four special sessions, there was never a clear answer, and the administration refused to support existing revenue proposals.


While only the governor can answer why a fourth special session was called, I will say that progress would be greatly facilitated by more buy-in from the governor that new revenues are necessary to sustain both a larger PFD and essential services.

I implore the governor to endorse existing revenue measures or introduce his own legislation, as it would certainly move the needle on some key votes next session.

So, what’s next for the Legislature?

There is no doubt that Alaska needs a fiscal solution to remain healthy and vibrant. This is exemplified in recent cuts to education, the marine highway system, public safety, community revenue sharing, and more. Further, our aging infrastructure and job market desperately need a healthy capital budget again. Alaskans also deserve certainty in annual PFD payments and for the amount to be as high as we can afford.

After years of deep budget cuts, the conversation has shifted from “What is worth funding?” to “How do we pay for the services we agree are worth funding?”

There is also a consensus that we cannot kick the can down the road any longer, and I am optimistic that we can make significant progress this coming session.

The House Majority will continue working in the weeks leading to January to find common ground with the three other caucuses and the governor.

Even if a grand bargain cannot be reached next year, we must move forward with every component we agree on.

I won’t sugarcoat it: Things won’t be easier next session, and achieving meaningful change is difficult in an election year. However, you have my word as Speaker of the House, that I’m doing everything in my power to resolve this gridlock and move our state forward.

Alaska has incredible wealth in the Permanent Fund, its natural resources, and world-class fisheries and tourism. While things may appear bleak today, we are closer than ever to a solution, and Alaska is still amazingly blessed with opportunities.

Once we get over this hump, which we will, we have a bright future ahead.

Rep. Louise Stutes, R-Kodiak, is Speaker of the House of Representatives, leading a bipartisan coalition. She has served in the House since 2016 and previously worked in the private sector as a commercial fisherman and bar owner.

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Louise Stutes

Rep. Louise Stutes, R-Kodiak, was elected to the Alaska House of Representatives in 2014.