
Sullivan is best poised to aid Alaska’s future

We are young Alaskans from different backgrounds with differing political views. Whether we were born in Alaska or chose to call Alaska “home,” we unite around one belief: Dan Sullivan fights tirelessly for Alaska, no matter the cost.

In his fight for Alaskans, Sen. Dan Sullivan works across the aisle to address complex and tragic issues such as suicide, domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual assault. In our nation’s capital, thousands of miles away from Alaska, he advocates for Alaska Natives. He prioritizes traditional ways of life by fighting to protect subsistence whale hunting, securing federal funding for basic utilities in rural areas, and negotiating for federal land to be transferred back to Alaska Natives. Furthermore, Alaska has more veterans per capita than any U.S. state, and as a Marine, Dan Sullivan doesn’t stop fighting to secure services and support for our veterans' and their families.

As young Alaskans, we understand the need to balance developing critical infrastructure and protecting Alaska’s delicate environment. We love our state and know Dan Sullivan does too. His bipartisan Save Our Seas (SOS) Act of 2018 addresses marine debris and maritime safety. This act and its counterpart, Save Our Seas 2.0, guide the Department of State and the President to refocus their attention on cleaning up our waters. This legislation created a better system to process and eliminate disposable plastic waste. Like all Alaskans, we know that Alaska’s beauty must be preserved.

Alaska’s future, our future, is intertwined with maintaining a healthy economy. Sen. Sullivan recognizes Alaska’s ability to produce responsibly sourced energy with its plentiful natural resources. He tirelessly voices Alaska’s concerns by sponsoring national legislation protecting our interests. He continues to advocate for the repeal of tariffs, which are especially detrimental to Alaska’s seafood industry. Dan Sullivan prioritizes strengthening our national defense and keeping Alaska at the forefront of defense strategy. In Congress, Sen. Sullivan is known as an avid advocate for bolstering our defenses in the Arctic. He secured funding for six new icebreakers and is working to establish an Arctic deepwater port along with other strategic regional investments. This port would aid in Arctic trade routes and national defense.

Over the past six years, Dan Sullivan has proven that he is willing to work across the aisle to fight for the things we care about. Last year, according to the McCourt School Bipartisan Index by The Lugar Center, he was the 14th most bipartisan senator in Congress. While Dan Sullivan remains loyal to his core values, he is willing to set partisan politics aside for the greater good of our state and country.

We are young Alaskans. We hope to remain in our beautiful state for many years. We are invested in our fellow Alaskans, Alaska herself, and the future of the United States. Senator Sullivan shares these values. Join us in voting to reelect Sen. Dan Sullivan on Nov. 3.

Abby Brown lives in Eagle River and is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, as well as a psychiatric treatment counselor. Abigail Myers lives in Fairbanks and is a student. Matt Giliam is a student in Anchorage. Jackson Blackwell is a student in Soldotna. Andrew Hampton is a student in Anchorage.

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