
Alaska Stalker - the best and worst of this week’s political social media and gossip

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Alaska Stalker, a lighthearted round up of the best and worst of Alaska’s social media landscape.


Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Don't miss Sen. Scott Kawasaki's homemade valentine to his constituents. How sweet. 💕


Anchorage Mayoral candidate, former Rep. Eric Croft, penned a lengthy what not to do on February 14th post for "those that identify as males in relationships." It seemed to be a hit, and a couple politicos chimed in in the comments. Click "see more" to read the entire piece.

Dear those that identify as males in relationships (all kinds), commonly called husbands or boyfriends. This happens...

Posted by Eric Croft on Friday, February 7, 2020


According to Eric's rules, it's too late to make a thoughtful reservation for this Valentine's Day. If you'd like to plan for next year, Lobbyist Jim Lottsfeldt posted a handy list of his fav foods and restaurants from all over the world!



Can't afford the jet set life style? ✈️🍽️ 💳 Take it from our friend Jim, saving up for a trip is as easy as taking the bus from the Juneau airport to the Capitol. And no more daily lattes, natch. 🤣


Speaking of lattes, Rep. Sara Rasmussen went full Galentine defending Rep. Kelly Merrick's pro-life voting record. 👊


If you're not sure what Galentine's Day is don't worry, hard-hitting KTUU news is here to inform you. Wait, is Urban Dictionary KTUU's official style guide, too?


It looks like Anchorage Assemblymember (and mayoral candidate) Forrest Dunbar is a true believer in the old saying you can never find true love unless you love yourself. Happy Valentine's Day, Forrest!


While nothing will ever top the high energy (and maybe a little one sided) President Trump/Gov. Dunleavy bromance, Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz is making a move with Democratic Presidential candidate, Michael Bloomberg. Fresh off endorsing Bloomberg for President, Ethan posted this glowing review of "Cloud Chamber," an art installation funded by Bloomberg Philanthropy, the candidate’s charity non-profit.

#SEEDLAB: Building exteriors and parking lots around Anchorage are sparking conversations about the natural world and...

Posted by Mayor Ethan Berkowitz on Friday, February 7, 2020


At the end of the day, nothing beats a Valentine from mom. Reindeer pepperoni or no reindeer pepperoni. ❤️


Gov. Mike Dunleavy has found his people. No ratios here. Fingers crossed for a Big Mike cameo next season!


This comparison of Senate President Cathy Giessel to Star Trek’s Spock is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week. Does this make Sens. Lora Reinbold and Mike Shower red shirts? ⬅️ Metaphorically speaking, of course.



Wait a minute, have Sen. Shelley Hughes and her chief of staff Buddy Whitt always matched during their Facebook Live chats, or is this a first? Let’s hope this becomes a thing because I am HERE for it! #twinning 👯


Rep. Geran Tarr sure loves that little gas guzzler of hers. 😉


If you don't get the reference you simply won't understand the brilliance that is Yeastman! (ahhhh!) Fighter of the Neastman. (ahhhh!) Bravo @jacaissie. This is perfection.


And now for another round of "Guess the Legislator." This one's pretty easy. Click here or scroll to the end for the answer.


A good reminder (and a tasty recommendation) from former Rep. Andrew Halcro. Although I’m pretty sure most Alaska Stalker readers fail when it comes to consuming politics in moderation. 🤷


The majority of the Anchorage Assembly has a great sense of humor. Check out this post from Assemblymember Suzanne LaFrance in response to last week's column. As one commenter put it: either way, a great value.


And then there was Assemblymember Forrest Dunbar. I hope he gets his "Picard" fix soon. Thanks for reading, Forrest! Why no Alaska Stalker shout out? 💁‍♀️


While there’s only a slight difference between the two fundraiser posts, I prefer Anchorage mayoral candidate Bill Evans’ Twitter invite over his Facebook version.


But, I have to give it to Midtown Assembly candidate Christine Hill for my favorite invite of the week. Spicy! 🌶️🤣


Overheard in Anchorage: "How many Carhartt jackets does Dunbar have? Will he wear them to the debates?"



Overheard in Juneau: “Eastman finally has a primary opponent. Do you know how much joy this brings me?”


Spotted having dinner solo at McGivney's on a Tuesday night: Attorney General Kevin Clarkson.


Spotted on Alaska Airline’s Sunday late night flight from Anchorage to Juneau: Sen. Elvi Gray-Jackson, Rep. Geran Tarr, and Rep. Mel Gillis’ staffer Forrest Wolfe, all in first class! Man of the people Sen. Bill Wielechowski was in premium.



Spotted in the Valpak coupon book:


Spotted in the air: Sen. David Wilson sleeping in first class on the way to Juneau. 😴


Spotted in the Capitol: The shirt is back! Sen. Shelley Hughes recently described the shirt’s owner as a “very engaged citizen.” Indeed.


The answer to this week's "Guess the Legislator" is Sen. Donny Olson! That sweater tho.


The Alaska Stalker was born and raised in Alaska, and lives in South Anchorage with her husband, daughter, and son. Send tips to akstalker@alaskalandmine.com

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Allison Hovanec

Allison Hovanec writes the weekly Alaska Stalker feature for Alaska Landmine and the Daily News. She was born and raised in Alaska, and lives in South Anchorage with her husband, daughter, and son.