
We have enough love

Jessica Cler of Planned Parenthood’s circle of friends and supporters probably would have expected no less from her in her June 13 commentary in the ADN. Mine would expect no less from me. I will use her words as the template for mine.

Politicians, spiritual leaders and many others across the country are indeed taking unprecedented, forceful and (in some quarters) unpopular measures to limit access to (often un)safe, legal (and always deadly) abortion, claiming to know what’s best for pregnant (married or single) people (and their unborn offspring). We all see what has been happening across the nation as legislative bodies pass increasingly pro-life, abortion-limiting laws.

As for here in Alaska, it is accurate to say that there are a growing number of folk who compare Planned Parenthood (its founder and protagonists) to the Ku Klux Klan, Hitler and others, all who embrace race-cleansing/eugenics as the best and surest way to “improve” humanity. I do agree with those who use every effort to determine and protect the life and health rights, freedoms and responsibilities of all human beings, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.

Cler’s analysis of this state’s pro-life government members is biased as expected, but she is paying close attention to (and correctly understand) them, their attitudes, principles and voting records. Yes, they do reflect much if not most of the pro-life, anti-murder, full-life-spectrum sentiments consolidating and coalescing across the U.S. and around the civilized world today.

Is this what people in Alaska want? I believe that as more and more of them become aware of just what Planned Parenthood leadership (and that of other abortion industry entities) stand for - and actually see what is happening within such facilities, attitudes are changing. Note the unprecedented impact of the film “Unplanned.” Abortion is not health care, it is in every case a death sentence, be it murder, homicide or manslaughter. To this, Alaskans are saying in growing numbers: “No, not here!” (Please note: I am not here speaking about spontaneous miscarriages.)

Just who is faithfully representing whom can be debated. Polls, as we all know, have very limited value. Recall the election of President Donald Trump.

Polls rarely reveal the truth as God sees it. Furthermore, polls are so easily manipulated, trying to make most desired outcomes achieved by design rather than default.


Real reproductive health care includes the health of all involved: parents and offspring, relatives and neighbors, friends and others not intimately involved. All medical personnel are called to dedicate their lives to protecting, healing and saving life, not destroying it. Our attitudes, expressions and actions affect one and all. No wonder Jesus’ bottom line was (and continues to be): “Love God with your whole self, and your neighbor as yourself.” (see Mark 12: 28-34)

I do not know where comes the fact that “seven in 10” American citizens prefer that Roe vs. Wade not be overturned. What will actually happen remains to be seen. Personally, I think it more likely to be something returned to the states for consideration. We all know what will happen then - just as we now know the false premises under which the Supreme Court made its original ruling. Smaller and limited federal government seems to be giving way for more state and local controls, independence and autonomy for all humans (pre-born, post-birth, long-born, male and female, healthy or infirm, etc.) - I agree with the “vast majority of Alaskans (and other Americans)” on this.

As for the impact of women on past and upcoming votes: Time will tell. May their (and all) voices be heard loud and clear. There was a time when they, like the unborn today, were legally considered “non-persons” - with no voice! That has changed for women (people of color, Native Americans, etc.) but not yet for those in the womb. I pray for the day when it will - admitting that in the eye of God, each and every one of us is recognized as a person created in the image and likeness of our Creator no matter what the circumstances of conception, culture or social standing might be.

I agree with Cler’s final paragraph: “We will keep fighting back, we won’t back down and we will mobilize the thousands (upon thousands) of people who are speaking out against these attacks like our lives depend on it - because they do.” And here, I refer to all of our lives. Not only is the child in the womb a person, that child’s body and soul are not the body or soul of the mother. As Jesus because our God-sent savior the moment Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit, so each child is a God-given gift to humanity. May we learn how to honor and respect, defend and protect each and every one of us as God intends. God gives us more than enough love to do just that.

Fr. Ronald Meyer, OMI, is a part of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate Missionary Team on the Kenai Peninsula.

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