With Election Day upon us, I am once again honored at the opportunity to serve the Alaska people in the U.S. House of Representatives. While some have used this campaign season to tear down their opponents, I have and continue to focus my efforts on the many important decisions and discussions we face to protect Alaska's social and economic future.
Although our state and people have shared in many successes throughout our history, we must recognize the fight to protect Alaska is far from over. Without question, the last eight years have taken a major toll on our economy and our unique way of life.
Collectively, we face unprecedented new rules and regulations that undermine Alaska's sovereignty, jeopardize new innovation and development, and stifle all sorts of opportunity and entrepreneurship for our residents. Ultimately, I'm fighting to give Alaskans the relief they deserve from the federal government — from crippling one-size-fits-all mandates, needless bureaucracy and burdensome red tape. Alaskans deserve certainty for their families, a level playing field for their businesses, and opportunity for their futures.
[Don Young gets heated over Democrats' gun-control protest]
Because of the confidence you have entrusted in me, and the key relationships I've built in Congress, I'm strategically positioned to stand up for Alaska and our many interests. As a senior member of two powerful committees and as the chairman of the Indian and Alaska Native Affairs Subcommittee, I am in a critical position to shape the many debates and policies needed to build a stronger, more vibrant state for generations to come. While you may not always read about them, these efforts have included a wide range of successes for Alaska in the previous two years:
· The passage of a 5-year highway transportation bill, which protected vital funding formulas for new infrastructure and development that I instituted as the chairman as the House Transportation Committee.
· Protecting Alaska's strategic military location by securing the F-35s placement at Eielson Air Force Base and reversing damaging cuts facing Joint Base Elemendorf-Richardson.
· Numerous federal land transfers – in Anchorage, on Point Spencer, and in Tok – to eliminate the federal governments growing footprint and encourage economic development and growth.
· Efforts as a member of the House and Senate Energy Conference Committee to unleash Alaska's energy and resource potential by streamlining development and eliminating outdated regulations.
[Rep. Don Young stresses his village roots to AFN delegates]
· The passage of five key amendments to roll back the Obama administration's flawed policies that undermine ANILCA and diminish Alaska's ability to responsibly develop our resources.
· Critical legislation I sponsored and passed in the House to reauthorize and update national fisheries legislation – the Magnuson-Stevens Act – to protect Alaska's coastal communities and fishermen.
· The enactment of the Highly Rural Veterans Transportation bill, which I sponsored to ensure all veterans receive the care they deserve no matter where they live.
· Efforts to bring vital new infrastructure and development to Alaska and the Arctic – including new ports, harbors, and crucial updates to our aging ice-breaking fleet.
· Alaska's ranking as the most powerful congressional delegation in the country.
After eight long years under the current administration, and great uncertainty ahead, Alaska needs a representative in Congress with the knowledge, understanding and seniority to push back against our federal agencies and ensure Alaska is not overlooked in the halls of Congress.
Although some have questioned my effectiveness and ability to do the job, I am extremely proud to be recognized by The Washington Post as one of the 10 most effective lawmakers in Congress – credited with the ability to move legislation of Alaska focus. And I must thank you, the Alaska people, for this distinction. It's because of your ideas, your input and knowledge on the issues that I have been successful.
It is a tremendous honor to receive the support and endorsement of countless Alaskans, groups and organizations, including the Chamber of Commerce, the Alaska Forest Association, the NRA, the Teamsters and Laborers unions, the Juneau Empire and the Kenai Peninsula Clarion. No matter the position, party, or political affiliation, I have always worked to put Alaska first. Ask anybody who has visited me or requested my help, my door has been and will always be open to you.
With your encouragement and support, the key positions I hold in Congress and the deep passion I hold for Alaskans, I am confident we can be successful in Alaska's fight to access our resources, develop new infrastructure, protect the Second Amendment and empower our people with new opportunities.
Rep. Don Young has served Alaska in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he is the state's lone representative, since 1973.
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