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What is the 'fiscal cliff?' The Simpson's Montgomery Burns explains (+video)

Fiscal cliff this.

Fiscal cliff that.

President Obama makes his pitch on Twitter.

John Boehner counters.

Blah, blah, blah.

There's been plenty of chatter on this week's biggest political and economic story, and rightfully so.

It's an important moment for the world's largest economy.


But, by far, the most entertaining fiscal cliff offering comes from our friends at Fox.

Not Fox News, mind you, but the part of Fox that's responsible for The Simpsons.

In a clip making the rounds on YouTube, evil billionaire Montgomery Burns — who, naturally, endorsed Republican Mitt Romney in November's presidential election — does his diabolical best to explain the fiscal cliff.






You betcha.

As Slate's Katie Kilkenny noted in September, this latest Simpson's offering confirms a decidedly more political direction for the Fox-produced show.

Here's how she analyzed an earlier clip that featured Homer Simpson trying to vote:

Here's that clip. And you're welcome: