Alaska News

Poll: Romney better for wealthy voters, Obama better for middle class

BOSTON — Middle-class voters are, of course, important to the Nov. 6 presidential election. Both President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney have been aggressively targeting this group, particularly in swing states like Ohio, Michigan, Virginia, Pennsylvania and other places where members of this large and economically struggling voting bloc call home.

The big question: whose policies would be better to get middle income Americans back on track?

According to a poll released today by Gallup, President Obama is winning this argument.


Here's how Gallup put it in today's report:

According to the Gallup poll, these groups would also fare better under four more years of Obama: racial and ethnic minorities, women, young adults and senior citizens.

The two are tied (47 percent v. 47 percent) when it comes to small-business owners.


Here's how Gallup analyzed the findings:

One month, fives days to go.