Alaska News

Libya tensions flare ahead of elections

As Libya gears up for its first free elections in multiple decades this weekend, old tensions are flaring again.

Former rebels from Misrata, which have morphed into an ad hoc security force since the end of the revolution, have mobilized and traveled to Bani Walid to potentially rout the last vestige of support for former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

The impending clash, which if it goes down could be a bad start to election weekend, began when two Misratan journalists traveled to Bani Walid on July 7 to do interivews. They were kidnapped and held ransom by residents of Bani Walid who then demanded that the former Misrata rebels release 10 imprisoned Gaddafi supporters to get them back.

Instead of releasing the prisoners, the Misratans grabbed their guns and jumped into their trucks to make their way for Bani Walid. GlobalPost's Tracey Shelton, who is riding with them, said the rebels were prepared to launch a "full scale" attack if necessary.

According to the Associated Press, tribal elders are now frantically trying to mediate between the two rival factions.

Bani Walid was one of the last cities to fall during the war. Many fighters there surrendered peacefully, and as a result were allowed to keep their weapons, former rebels told GlobalPost.

The amount of small arms in Libya has been a constant threat to stability and could now derail elections if a settlement is not reached.