Alaska News

Happy International Cat Day!

International Cat Day was founded in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and other animal rights groups. So, we have them to thank for giving us an excuse to run this.

According to Scientific American, cats are the most popular pet in the world. They live almost everywhere that people do, though of course more of them live in some places over others.

Below is a list of the top 10 countries with the largest pet cat populations.

1) United States -- 76,430,000

2) China -- 53,100,000

3) Russia -- 12,700,000

4) Brazil -- 12,466,000


5) France -- 9,600,000

6) Italy -- 9,400,000

7) United Kingdom -- 7,700,000

8) Ukraine -- 7,350,000

9) Japan -- 7,300,000

10) Germany -- 7,700,000