
Flint wants safe water, and someone to answer for Its crisis

FLINT, Mich. — Shortly after officials switched the source of their drinking water to the Flint River from Lake Huron in April 2014 to save money, residents started complaining that their tap water looked strange, tasted bad and caused rashes. But not until the fall of 2015, when the water was found to have elevated levels of lead that were reflected in children's blood, did state officials swing into action.

Now they are scrambling to address a situation that has endangered the health of Flint's children and generated untold costs and anxiety.

State and city leaders had largely dismissed residents' complaints for months, assuring them that the water was safe and being tested regularly. With the emergence of the blood level data, officials began advising residents not to drink unfiltered tap water — a recommendation that remains in effect.

In October, Gov. Rick Snyder helped orchestrate a switch back to Lake Huron water. Though Mayor Karen Weaver called that a positive step, she said the change did not undo corrosion damage from the river water that caused pipes to leach lead.

As of last month, the state had identified 43 people with elevated lead levels in their blood. Lead is toxic, and can cause stunted development in children.

Last month, the governor apologized to residents. On Tuesday he declared the city to be in a state of emergency — the same day that federal officials said they had opened an investigation into the water contamination. And in October, Snyder announced a state plan to distribute free water filters and provide water testing to residents. But many residents remain unsatisfied.

On Thursday, Snyder told reporters that he would work to provide "a broad-based suite of services" to address the water issues and other problems in Flint. Among the services could be more water testing, more filters, and health care and education support for those affected. Many residents have called for state money to replace the city's old pipe infrastructure — which the mayor has said could cost up to $1.5 billion — and a fund to address any developmental impact on children.

"You have to earn trust," Snyder said. "This will be a process by showing the steps we're taking to be proactive."