
First Watch: 12 states may legalize the LGBT discrimination Arizona just vetoed

Ukraine latest: Gunmen have taken over a government building in Crimea and are flying the Russian flag there, as the country's ousted president -- now in Moscow -- asks for protection.

Arizona rights: Governor Jan Brewer tweeted this photo of herself vetoeing a bill that allowed businesses to discriminate against LGBT people on religious grounds. CNN points out that 12 other states are considering similar "religious freedom" acts, including Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio and Kansas.

Boston Marathon changes: Runners will not be allowed to have backpacks at this year's race, and spectators who carry them will likely be searched. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev faces trial this November for bombings that killed three people and injured hundreds at last year's Marathon.

A real serving size: The FDA will announce proposed changes to the way food is labeled. Calories will be more prominent and serving sizes more realistic. "Our guiding principle here is very simple: that you as a parent and a consumer should be able to walk into your local grocery store, pick up an item off the shelf, and be able to tell whether it's good for your family," said First Lady Michelle Obama.

Need a reason to get a larger pizza? Here's one: It's a better value. NPR did the math: "A pizza is a circle, and the area of a circle increases with the square of the radius."

By Ali Watkins and Julie Moos

McClatchy Washington Bureau