Alaska News

The Federal Reserve made record-breaking $89 billion in profits in 2012

The key to good business writing is the frame. In other words, how do you take arcane figures and put them into an easy-to-understand context that's smart, useful and memorable?

Our friends at Quartz nailed that task today, with a post titled "The US Fed had a greater profit than Apple and Exxon combined last year."

Catchy headline: check. Interesting topic: check.

The skinny?

The Federal Reserve turned a profit last year of $89 billion dollars, its best year in history.

As Quartz points out, the combined profits of Apple and Exxon — America's two most profitable companies — top a little more than $82 billion.

So how did the Fed do it?


Economic crisis, of course.

Here's how Quartz explained it:

By law, the Fed must turn that money over to the US Treasury Department, so don't expect any iPads or oil wells to gush forth any time soon.