
White House names Hope Hicks interim communications director

WASHINGTON – Longtime Trump communications aide Hope Hicks has been named as interim communications director, the White House said on Wednesday, in the latest personnel move for President Donald Trump as he continues to seek someone for the job.

The role of communications director had last been filled by Anthony Scaramucci, a New York financier who was ousted after just 10 days following an obscene tirade he made to a reporter for The New Yorker magazine.

Scaramucci proved to be a divisive figure in the White House. Former press secretary Sean Spicer resigned over his arrival, and Chief of Staff John Kelly, once he took over, fired Scaramucci.

Hicks, 28, worked in communications for Trump during his campaign after a tenure with his Trump Organization. She will work with White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, according to the White House.

Scaramucci's predecessor as communications director, Michael Dubke, resigned in May after about three months in the post.

The search for permanent replacement comes as Trump has repeatedly railed against leaks within his administration. His attorney general has also warned of a possible crackdown on journalists and their sources who divulge classified information.

(Reporting by Steve Holland and Jeff Mason; writing by Makini Brice; editing by Susan Heavey and Steve Orlofsky)