
Government reveals at least 60,000 visas revoked due to travel ban

WASHINGTON — Over 100,000 visas have been revoked as a result of President Trump's ban on travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries, an attorney for the government asserted in Alexandria, Va. federal court Friday.

The number came out during a hearing in a lawsuit by two Yemeni brothers who arrived at Dulles Airport last Saturday and were quickly put on a return flight to Ethiopia because of the new restrictions.

That figure was immediately disputed by the State Department, which said the number of visas revoked was roughly 60,000. A spokeswoman said the revocation has no impact on the legal status of people already in the United States. If those people leave the United States, though, their visas would no longer be valid.

Immigrant advocates, attorneys and the media have been pushing the Trump administration to offer an accounting of how many were affected by the controversial executive order.

In response to a question from a judge, Erez Reuveni, of the Justice Department's Office of Immigration Litigation, told the U.S. District Court there were tens of thousands abroad holding visas when Trump signed his order a week ago.

"Over 100,000 visas were revoked on Friday at 6:30 p.m.," Reuveni told the court, speaking of Jan. 27.

Reuveni offered no other details about the group of people. He said he did not know how many people had been detained at the nation's airports because of the order, but it could be 100 to 200. It was not immediately clear how the Justice Department and State Department arrived at such different tallies.


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During the hearing, U.S. District Court Judge Leonie Brinkema said she was heartened to see the government was working to return the brothers, Tareq and Ammar Aqel Mohammed Aziz, to the United States and reinstate their visas in exchange for dropping their case. The government appears to be a attempting a similar case-by-case reprieve across the nation.

But Brinkema offered a stern rebuke to the Trump administration in its broader handling of the travel ban. Brinkema said the case had drawn an even larger public outpouring than another high profile one she handled: the trial of 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui.

"This order was issued quite quickly. It's quite clear that not all the thought went into it that should have gone into it," Brinkema said. "It was chaos."

She said people had relied on their visas as valid and families had expected to be reunited with loved ones. Brinkema said there was no evidence that the travel restrictions were necessary.

She urged the government to work "globally" to resolve all the cases of those affected by the travel ban. Lawsuits have been playing out over individual cases in at least 10 courts across the country.

The Trump administration has argued the travel ban is necessary to keep American's safe from terrorism as it institutes more restrictive vetting on visitors and refugees, but it has drawn protests at airport's nationwide and condemnation from Democrats, many of whom call it a "Muslim ban."

Brinkema allowed the state of Virginia to join the lawsuit. State officials argued in court that more than 350 students from a handful of state universities had been impacted by the travel ban, along with professors and other workers.

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The officials said they include a Libyan woman from George Mason University, who was stuck in Turkey, and an Iranian doctoral student. who is unable to travel to the United States to defend his dissertation. Brinkema also ordered the government to turn over a list of Virginia residents who were impacted by the ban.

Outside the courthouse, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring said he was "really pleased the judge recognized real harm is happening in Virginia."

Herring's office had also been seeking to hold government officials in contempt for the way they handled travelers from the seven banned countries over the weekend, but Brinkema declined saying she did not know enough Friday to make that determination.

Virginia officials had cited news reports and affidavits from lawmakers that, contrary to an order Brinkema issued last weekend, Customs and Border Patrol officers denied immigrants access to lawyers.

"There were so many lawyers there willing to help, and not a single one got access," said Virginia Solicitor General Stuart Raphael said during the hearing.

Reuveni said that security at Dulles bars lawyers from anything but telephone access to people in screening.

Brinkema said she would expand the order on attorney access and extend it another week, but has not yet released the details.