Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor (5/24/12)

Feminism is about believing in equal opportunity for all

I admire and applaud the women who started and have worked hard to make the Gold Nugget Triathlon an event to inspire women and girls and to help everyone understand there are no limits to what girls can do. I was struck, however, by Ms. Sedgwick's remark: "Please don't call me a feminist."

A feminist is someone who believes in the social, political and economic equality of all people. A feminist believes that all people should get the same paycheck for the same work; should not be denied work or harassed because of their sex; should have the same opportunities for political office. A feminist is someone who sees inequities of opportunity between the sexes and strives to correct them.

Ms. Sedgwick may not want to call herself a "feminist" because ignorance has given that term a bad name. Anyone who believes men and women, girls and boys are equal and should have equal opportunities is, in fact, a feminist. And that's not a bad thing at all.

-- Sarah Mayfield


Haycox column offensive for demonizing Veco's Bill Allen


The column by Steve Haycox (May 18, "Who has opportunity and who doesn't?") is everything we can expect from academia these days. Comfortably ensconced in the academic cocoon of fantasy, ego reinforcement and separation from the rational world, Mr. Haycox laments the lack of purchasing power of those on the dole. He reflects on President Obama's message that there is a gaping inequality and "gives lie to the promise" that Barack himself demonstrates.

Truly offensive is the demonization of Bill Allen. Bill employed thousands of people of all ethnic backgrounds over many years and came up from being a working stiff himself. He got in between a senator and a bunch of cut-throat justice officials who wanted to ruin that senator. He did some things wrong but it was a witch hunt.

The government is corrupt, self-serving and inefficient, of that there is no doubt. It will fail in correcting inequality, has failed at education and is failing at instituting a planned economy. Freedom must be defended and opportunity made available so those with the will, drive and desire can succeed.

-- Daniel Elmer

Alaskan worker

Bellingham, Wash.

Malcom Miner touched many as United Way leader, pastor

I kept hoping that an obituary would appear for an old friend, and when it didn't I decided that many people would want to know of the passing of Malcolm Miner.

I knew him when he was my boss at United Way of Anchorage, where he was the executive director for 18 years. Others knew him from his ministry as a pastor, teacher and healer.

He had been living at Poipu Beach, Kauai, for many years where he passed on April 9 at the age of 91.

He was the author of three books: "Healing is for Real," "Healing and the Abundant Life" and "Your Touch Can Heal."

He touched many lives while living here in Anchorage and continued to do so on Kauai. His obituary in the Poipu Beach newspaper read, "Malcolm G. Miner was one of a kind and truly lived out his calling as the person that God created him to be. He loved deeply and lived fully."

To that I say, "Amen."

-- Sharon Richards


Share your vision for park planned at mouth of creek

Various organizations are working together to allow the community to build their own park in Anchorage where Campbell Creek meets Cook Inlet. This estuary is a beautiful area, sports amazing views and is home to a plethora of wildlife.


By building a park here, whether there are just trails, or even boardwalks and viewpoints, more people will be able to enjoy the area without hurting the local flora and fauna.

To share your opinions on the park production, join the Alaska Center for the Environment and the Great Land Trust in an onsite tour and discussion on May 31. Visit akcenter.org for more information.

-- Sarah Wilson

volunteer, Alaska Center for the Environment


EPA should withhold dredging permits for planned Pebble mine

The EPA recently published its scientific assessment for the Bristol Bay watershed and the proposed Pebble mine. As expected, the assessment wasn't positive regarding the Pebble project, outlining the dangers of putting a huge mine at the headwaters of the Kvichak and Nushagak systems. These watersheds are central to salmon productivity in Bristol Bay, which is in turn the largest single producer of wild salmon in the world.

We must protect this region from the effects of the Pebble mine in order to ensure the commercial and recreational fisheries that are central to the region's and the state's economies.


I am not opposed to mining, but given the size of the Pebble mine, its location and the risks it poses to sustainable industries already in place, it should be clear that this mine should never be developed.

I applaud the EPA for its honesty and encourage it to follow through by withholding the dredging permits for Pebble under the authority authorized them by the Clean Water Act.

-- Chuck Ash


Local version of 'Silent Spring?'

Rachel Carson's book, "Silent Spring," was published in 1962. At that time in my life, I didn't think her book to be credible.

I have fed birds for many years and always enjoyed many at my feeders. There were periods that I had to fill the feeders every three days. This past winter my feeders were filled every three months.

I sleep in a tent so I can hear the robins sing during the night. There are no robins this spring! There are no birds so once again I will read Rachel Carson's book, "Silent Spring."

-- Dick Griffith
