Alaska News

Our Alaska: Living off the grid

When general contractor David Doolen and his wife Dale bought land far up Rabbit Creek Valley more than 25 years ago, they weren't planning on disconnecting from the municipal power grid. But back then the muni would have charged the Doolens $60,000 to run up a line to connect the house to city power, so they decided to keep the lights on using solar power and a generator. Today they've got two solar panels in addition to the diesel generator, which is connected to a 300-gallon tank that needs filling about twice a year. One side benefit of this unique setup: When the rest of Anchorage suffers through a blackout, the Doolens' lights stay on. "We always feel pretty smug when that happens," David said.

Our Alaska: Off the grid"Sarah Palin's Alaska" started its eight-week run on TLC Sunday, Nov. 14. While the former governor gives viewers nationwide her own tour of the Last Frontier, Alaska Dispatch will take a look at the state as it's experienced by residents across the state -- urban and rural, young and old, from all walks of life. You've seen "Sarah Palin's Alaska" -- now welcome to Our Alaska.

Craig Medred

Craig Medred is a former writer for the Anchorage Daily News, Alaska Dispatch and Alaska Dispatch News. He left the ADN in 2015.