Alaska News

Taking time out at the lodge, Alaska summer living

This week, I find myself out at the world famous Alaska Sportsman's Bear Trail Lodge on the Naknek River in Bristol Bay fishing for silver salmon. I must say, staying at the lodge is a pleasant experience. Normally, going fishing doesn't usually come with all the amenities of a lodge of this caliber.

To be honest, the only time I ever really stay at a lodge is at the Kiana Lodge on the Kobuk River. My friends, Lorry and Nellie Schurech, are the owners of the Kiana Lodge and sometimes they invite us to stay with them when we are in the area. My wife and I have a cabin on the Kobuk River about a mile from their lodge, and when we visit with them we sometimes stay a night or two.

But that wasn't an option this time. You see, I came to the great southwestern part of the state with a group of business owners, bankers and other professionals to do a lot of fishing, a little work, and even more swapping stories and fish tales.

Let me say this. I am not normally a "fancy lodge" kind of person. I like roughing it a bit as long as we can stay fairly dry and warm. Really, I am OK with most any accommodations. With that said, I must say the this lodge is quite enjoyable. The people and the service are first class.

To be honest, I was impressed with how many staff and crewmembers there were at the lodge.

Even more impressive to me is the commitment and passion the owners have for the area. They actually live year-round in King Salmon and Naknek, spending their free time investing in the people of this wonderful area by coaching and refereeing high school sports, and being active in the community.

It is great to see people investing into the areas they live, and making life better for everyone.


I would recommend a stop at the Alaska Sportsman's Bear Trail Lodge when you are in the southwest. I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Just remember though, this was a business trip... working hard to learn new things, along with a little fishing.

Jason Evans is publisher of the Arctic Sounder and Bristol Bay Times-Dutch Harbor Fisherman.

Jason Evans

Jason Evans is the publisher of The Arctic Sounder.