Alaska News

Glacial lake flooding: Just another day as a Bush pilot (+Video)

September was an expensive month as Southcentral was hit with storm after storm. Anchorage received winds in excess of 100 mph with every onslaught. Each one saw strong winds followed by heavy rain.

The "third one's a charm" because the ground was saturated from the previous two and some pretty massive flooding ensued. Alaska has its share of "drizzle" but all-out "rain" is a bit of oddity, especially 30-plus hours of it. All of our clients were finally out of the field, but it was an interesting couple of days of flying.

Fortunately the temperature was relatively warm, or we would have had clients stuck in six feet of snow.

Matthew Keller is the owner and operator of Blue Ice Aviation. He was born and raised in Alaska and his office is the cockpit of his Super Cub. His goal is to transport everyone into Alaska's vast wilderness. See more of his videos and writing at Blue Ice Aviation.